LearnDash LMS Zapier Integration
Zapier is a service that makes it easy for you to link 2 applications without the requirement to understand code, presently with a library of over 300 applications. Zapier calls these connections “Zaps,” This combination allows you to develop Zaps that include LearnDash tasks.
Quickly attach LearnDash to the popular Zapier program without code
Merely include a brand-new LearnDash trigger in your WordPress admin control panel; the assimilation also connects the necessary information with Zapier.
Add-On Features
Carry out actions in over 300 applications based upon 7 details LearnDash activities.
Trigger actions in various other applications when somebody signs up right into a program, finish a program, completes a lesson, finishes a topic, passes a quiz, fails an examination, or finishes a test.
Sustains both worldwide and also details LearnDash task
Execute an action based on an international occasion (i.e., each time a test is passed), or establish a particular trigger (i.e., when a specific quiz is given).
Instance Use Cases
- Add a user to an email listing (MailChimp, AWeber, and so on) as soon as they enroll in a training course
- When they complete a course (great for cross-promotion!), add an individual to an email listing
- Track all failed test attempts for a details training course in a Google Doc
- When someone stops working a test, generate a help work desk ticket (HelpScout)
- When enrolling in a training course, including individuals in the CRM platform of your choice (Salesforce, Zoho CRM, SugarCRM, etc.)
- Send an alert (email or SMS) when a person enlists in a training course
- Produce billing (Freshbooks, Xero, and so on) when a training course is complete
- When someone completes a lesson, post to Twitter or Facebook
LearnDash LMS Zapier Integration Download
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