Real Places – Responsive WordPress Real Estate Theme
Real Places is a premium WordPress theme for Real Estate websites. It has a purpose oriented design and It offers decent design variations with flexibility and customizability to fulfill various requirements. This theme comes loaded with tons of useful features related to Real Estate and you can learn about those features through live preview and details provided below.
Real Places Main Features
- Nice and Clean Design
- Fully Responsive Layout
- Includes Revolution Slider Plugin
- Full Localization Support ? Contains .po and .mo files
- WPML Plugin Support ? including the RTL languages support
- Easy and Extensive Theme Options ? For more information you can view screenshots.
- Easy to Use Meta Boxes ? To add and modify real estate property information
- Google reCAPTCHA Support ? For all the forms in this theme.
- Advance Properties Search Form ? Any search field can be enabled or disabled from theme options. You can also ordered the fields from theme options.
- Users can Register, Login and Recover Password
- Edit Profile ? User can modify his profile information and upload his profile image using front end profile page.
- View Favorites Properties ? User can add/remove a property to favorites and view his favorites properties.
- Front End Property Submit ? User can submit property from front end.
- List Submitted Properties ? User can view list of properties that he has submitted.
- Edit Submitted Property ? User can modify any of his submitted property.
- PayPal Payment for Submitted Property ? User can pay for his submitted property using PayPal and if enabled from theme options that property will be published automatically on successful payment.
- Administrator can View List of Payments ? To take any further action after successful payment.
- And A Lot More…
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